Set in a future Earth (2035 A.D.) where robots are common assistants and workers for their human owners, this is the story of "robotophobic" Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner's investigation into the murder of Dr. Alfred Lanning, who works at U.S. Robotics, in which a robot, Sonny , appears to be implicated, even though that would mean the robot had violated the Three Laws of Robotics, which is apparently impossible. It seems impossible because.. if robots can break those laws, there's nothing to stop them from taking over the world, as humans have grown to become completely dependent upon their robots. Or maybe... they already have? Aiding Spooner in his investigation is a psychologist, Dr. Susan Calvin, who specializes in the psyches of robots.
2.1. Seed quality evaluation
2.1.1. Mechanical damage
Three replications of 100 seeds were soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min.
The seeds with seed coat damage swelled visibly and were counted using a hand lens. The split (%)
was obtained by passing 200 g of seed through a 4.00mm round hole sieve. The material that
passed through the sieve was termed as ‘‘splits’’ and then weighed (Anonymous, 1985).
2.1 豆种质量评估
经过3遍流程的100颗豆种在1%的漂白液中浸泡10分钟。种子以及种皮的很明显地膨胀损坏可以通过手持透镜观测到。 破裂指数通过200g的种子经4毫米圆洞筛网筛选得到。通过筛网的原料被称作“破裂”然后称重。
2.1.2. Germination test
Germination ability was determined according to the Association of Official Seed Analysts
(Anonymous, 1981). Three replications of 100 seeds were placed in presoaked germination paper
and were then placed in a seed germinator at 251C for 7 days. After 7 days, the percentage of seeds germinating normally was recorded.
2.1.2 发芽力检测
发芽能力是按照官方的种子专家学会去定义的。经过3次流程的100颗豆种被放置在发芽试纸上预浸,人后在发芽力检测仪上以251C的温度放置7天。 7天之后, 发芽种子的比例被记录下来。
2.1.3. Seed vigor
The seed vigor tests were conducted according to the International Seed Testing Association
(ISTA) method (Anonymous, 1985). Sheets of paper towel with 350 seeds were kept in a seed
germinator at 251C for 7 days. After 7 days, the lengths of germinated seedlings were measured in
centimeters. The vigor index was calculated as vigor index ? 1 NX germination ?%? seedling length ?cm?; where N is the number of seeds that germinated.
2.1.3 种子的活力
种子活力的检测是按照国际种子检测协会的步骤操作的。350颗豆种放在纸巾上,在种子发芽力检测仪器内以251C的温度保存7天, 7天之后, 以厘米为单位去测量种芽的长度。活力指数是按照vigor index ? 1 NX germination ?%? seedling length ?cm?; where N is the number of seeds that germinated.(此处由于有乱码, 无法翻译)
2.1.4. Accelerated aging
This test was used to predict the storage potential of seed. It combines the stresses caused by
high temperature and high humidity to which seed maybe exposed. It is expected that the seed
lots which record a higher level of germination in the accelerated aging test can be stored for a
longer period than others. Two replications of 50 seeds were kept in perforated plastic boxes.
These boxes were kept at 401C and at 100% relative humidity(r :h:) for 96 h. The germination of
these lots was recorded as outlined by the ISTA (Anonymous, 1985).
这个检测是用作预告种子的储存潜力的。 它包括也许种子露天放置时,由高温度和高湿度造成的作用。人们预计在发芽力检测中有高记录的那批种子能够在加速老化测验中比其它的种子储存的更久。经过2次流程的50颗种子保存在穿孔的盒子当中。这些盒子被放置在401C温度及100%相对湿度中96个小时。这批的发芽力被ISTA作为要点记录下来。
2.2. Determination of moisture content
The standard oven method outlined by the ISTA (Anonymous, 1985) was employed. Three
replications of 10 g seed were kept in a hot air oven at 1021C for 24 h. At the end of this period, the samples were transferred to a desiccator for cooling. The samples were then weighed and moisture content calculated on a dry mass basis.
2.2 含水量的定义
ISTA大纲中的标准加热程序被引用到这里。经过3次流程的10g豆种被保存在干烤箱中以1021C的温度放置24小时。 在检测最后, 样品被转移到干燥器中冷却。然后样品称重,并计算含水量,按照折干计算。
2.3. Evaluation of damage due to free-fall
To determine the effect of height of fall on the seed quality, three replications of 100 seeds,
drawn from each treatment, were dropped from a height of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0m on to a cement
floor or a galvanized iron floor. The dropped seeds were tested for germination and vigor as
2.4. Statistical analysis of data
The data collected during the experiments were analyzed using ANOVA (Anonymous, 1992) to
study the effects of m:c:; process stages and heights of free-fall on the parameters of seed quality.
The differences in means were examined using the Tukey test of significance.
2.3 由自由下落造成损失的评估
为了确定下落高度对种子质量造成的影响, 经过3遍流程的100颗种子, 分别从0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0米处下落到水泥地或者镀锌铁板上,象以前一样,下落的种子被检测种子发芽力以及活力。
使用ANOVA分析了在实验当中所收集的数据,研究了含水量,加工平台以及自由下落的高度参数在种子质量方面的影响。检测方式的差异已被Tukey test of significance.验证。