网上科普有关“材料成型及控制工程 的专业课程 的英语翻译(求专业人员的翻译)”话题很是火热,小编也是针对材料成型及控制工程 的专业课程 的英语翻译(求专业人员的翻译)寻找了一些与之相关的一些信息进行分析,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,希望能够帮助到您。
机械制图及计算机绘图: Mechanical Drawing and Computer Graphics
理论力学: Theoretical Mechanics
材料力学: Mechanics of Materials
机械原理: Mechanical Theory
机械设计: Mechanical Design
冲压工艺学: Punching Technology
模具制造工艺学: Mould Manufacturing Technology
塑料成型工艺: Plastic Molding Technology
材料成型设备: Material Molding Equipment
冷冲模设计: Design of Cold-punching Mould
塑料成型模具: Plastic Molding Mould.
《汽车构造》Automobile Structure
《汽车设计基础》Basis of Automobile Design
《汽车发动机原理》Principle of Automobile Engine
《汽车运用工程》Automobile Application Engineering
《汽车运行材料》Automobile Operating Material
《车用传感技术》Vehicle Sensing Technology
《汽车贸易》Automobile Trading
《汽车市场营销》Automobile Marketing
《汽车服务企业管理》Management of Auto Service Enterprise
《汽车服务系统规划与企业设计》Auto Service System Planning and Enterprise Design
《汽车保险与理赔》Automobile Insurance and claim
《电子商务概论》Electronic Commerce Conspectus
《机械原理》Mechanical Principle
《制造技术基础》Manufacturing Technology Basis
AT&T has installed the Global Information Systems Architecture(GISA), which standardizes its business manufacturing systems worldwide. The objective is for AT&T to improve its ability to compete in all profitable telecommunication marked wherever they may be located. With in place, concurrent product development is possible, using whatever corporate resources required regardless of their physical location.
7. Simultaneous Inter-company Competition and Cooperation
To a degree unprecedented in American business history, companies are entering into partnerships, joint ventures, and collaborations of every imaginable kind, including the information of virtual companies. Some of these relationships aim at creating economies of scale by merging similar capabilities in order to avoid the costs of adding capacity. Some aim at joint development of new “back-office” capabilities, and some cooperating companies work on the development of new generic technologies, even as they plan to compete with one another for the end user. Some companies aim at achieving vertical integration, or at creating economies of scope, by synthesizing physically distributed complementary capabilities within or among enterprises. This is, of course, the essence of a virtual organization structure
What is particular striking in all these forms of joint venture is the increasing frequency of participation of direct competitors. It would be wrong to conclude t that we are witnessing a return of late-nineteenth-century trusts, cartels, and price-manipulating monopolies. Rather, there is a growing recognition that the basis of inter-enterprise cooperation is totally different with agile competition from what it was with mass-production competition
In the mass—production paradigm, competition was one—dimensional and centered on price; hence the pursuit of the lowest unit production cost. The competitive environment was dominated by long-lived, standardized products. Cooperation among competitors inevitably took the form of price and supply-fixing as a means of increasing profits above the levels that lowest unit costs and an excess of supply would allow.
In the agile production paradigm, competition is multidimensional. Price remains important, of course, but the value of physical products is a function of individualized combinations of information and services the products provide.
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本文概览:网上科普有关“材料成型及控制工程 的专业课程 的英语翻译(求专业人员的翻译)”话题很是火热,小编也是针对材料成型及控制工程 的专业课程 的英语翻译(求专业人员的翻译)寻找了一些...