



大雁是如何飞过喜马拉雅山的?到底能否飞过去, 我们先不论,我们先假设一下,大雁要想飞越过去的前提条件和目的,进行一次推理:







How do wild geese flow over the Himalayan mountains?

Let's put aside the question of whether they can make their way through,and let us make an assumption of

the preconditions and their objectives and then proceed to make a rationale.

1. First, considering that the Himalayan mountain being the highest mountain range in the world, with heights close to 9000 ft above sea level, the air at the peak is thin and atmospheric pressure suffocates someone to death if he is devoid of aids.

Why mountain climbing teams can reach the peak without endangering their lives is because they wear climbing

suits of international standards,and are equipped with oxygen tanks.

2. How about the wild geese? When they fly,their body resistance to air pressure has a certain limit. When they feel that they have problem breathing, they will not

continue to fly at least not at at a height unsuitable for their biological functioning.This reasoning is much the same to explain why spacecrafts can fly out of our planet and the spacemen can live in space,which much of it is attributed to the oxygen supply support and human body

protection facility.

3. When wild geese and humans are put on a air plane,

flying at such a height is definitely not a problem.

However,your topic is how do the geese fly.According to logical reasoning,geese will suffocate to death before

reaching this height.

4. Wild geese are usually sighted with our naked eyes, and our vision has a limit as to how far we can see.

Nevertheless, this vision limit cannot exceed 9000 ft.

Otherwise,we will all become clairvoyants.At the very most, our vision is good up to a few hundred feet or a few thousand feet. Therefore, based on our logical reasoning,

we can deduce that wild geese fly at a height of about a thousand feet.At least, their flying height has to remain

in our vision limits.

5. Wild geese are outstanding air travellers. During autumn and winter times,they will fly from their native habitat in the Siberian region in groups and mightily

to the south of China,part of natural winterly migration patterns for wide life.In the spring season of the second

year, they will return in a long journey to Siberia for eggs laying and breeding.Wild geese fly really fast rating at 68 to 90 km/h. Even at this speed,flying to destination

of a few thousand kilometers away will take them one to two months.

6.In such a long journey, they definitely have to choose a flying height where they are comfortable with and in a blue

space with openness that allows them to fly and glide.The higher they fly,the higher the influence of air pressure.

This resultantly affects their volitation capability resulting in a heavier use of their strength and energy and naturally they will not be able to attain a flying

height of 9000 ft which is also their maximum flying limit.

7.Why do they want to fly over a mountain range? What are on the other side of the mountain range? Mountain ranges

are capped with snow and are extremely cold.Have they achieved their objective of flying south? Isn't flying south to pass their winter time a mass suicide? On top of that, the multiplication of a living specie is an outcome realized from a period of a few thousand years,and wild geese is no exception.



In addition to conventional galaxies, the universe contains very dim galaxies that until recently went unnoticed by astronomers. Possibly as numerous as conventional galaxies, these galaxies have the same general shape and even the same approximate number of stars as a common type of conventional galaxy, the spiral, but tend to be much larger. Because these galaxies ’mass is spread out over larger areas, they have far fewer stars per unit volume than do conventional galaxies. Apparently these low-surface-brightness galaxies, as they are called, take much longer than conventional galaxies to condense their primordial gas and convert it to stars—that is, they evolve much more slowly.

These galaxies may constitute an answer to the long-standing puzzle of the missing

baryonic mass in the universe. Baryons—subatomic particles亚原子粒子 that are generally protons or neutrons—are the source of stellar, and therefore galactic, luminosity, and so their numbers can be estimated based on how luminous galaxies are. However, the amount of helium in the universe, as measured by spectroscopy光谱学, suggests that there are far more baryons in the universe than estimates based on galactic luminosity indicate. Astronomers have long speculated that the missing baryonic mass might eventually

be discovered in intergalactic space星系际的空间 or as some large population of galaxies that are difficult to detect.



Until recently, zoologists believed that all species of phocids (true seals), a pinnipped family, use a different maternal strategy than do otariids (fur seals and

sea lions), another pinniped family. Mother otariids use a foraging strategy. They acquire moderate energy stores in the form of blubber before arriving at breeding sites and then fast for 5 to 11 days after birth. Throughout the rest of the lactation (milk production) period, which lasts from 4 months to 3 years depending on the species, mother otariids alternately forage at sea, where they replenish their fat stores, and nurse their young at breeding sites. Zoologists had assumed that females of all phocids species, by contrast,

use a fasting strategy in which mother phocids, having accumulated large energy

stores before they arrive at breeding sites, fast throughout the entire lactation period, which lasts from 4 to 50 days depending on the species. However, recent studies on

harbor seals, a phocids species, found that lactating females commenced foraging

approximately 6 days after giving birth and on average made 7 foraging trips during the remainder of their 24-day lactation period.

The maternal strategy evolved by harbor seals may have to do with their small size and the large proportion of their fat stores depleted in lactation. Harbor seals are small compared with other phocids species such as grey seals, all of which are known to fast for the entire lactation period. Studies show that mother seals of these species use respectively 84 percent, 58 percent, and 33 percent of their fat stores during lactation. By comparison, harbor seals use 80 percent of their fat stores in just the first 19 days of lactation, even though they occasionally feed during this period. Since such a large proportion of their fat stores is exhausted despite feeding, mother harbor seals clearly cannot support all of lactation using only energy stored before giving birth. Though smaller

than many other phocids, harbor seals are similar in size to most otariids. In addition,

there is already some evidence suggesting that the ringed seal, a phocids species that

is similar in size to the harbor seal, may also use a maternal foraging strategy.



There is no consensus among researchers regarding what qualifies a substance as a pheromone. While most agree on a basic definition of pheromones as chemicals released by one individual of a species which, when detected by another individual of the same species, elicit a specific behavioral or physiological response, some researchers also specify that the response to pheromones must be unconscious. In addition, the distinction

between pheromones and odorants—chemicals that are consciously detected as odors---can be blurry, and some researchers classify pheromones as atype of odorant. Evidence that pheromone responses may not involve conscious odor perception comes from the finding that in many species, pheromones are processed by the vomeronasal (or accessory olfactory) system, which uses a special structure in the nose, the vomeronasal organ (VNO),to receive chemical signals. The neural connections between the VNO and the brain are separate from those of the main olfactory system, whose processing of

odorants triggers sensations of smell. But while the VNO does process many animal

pheromone signals, not all animal pheromones work through the VNO. Conversely,

not all chemical signals transmitted via the VNO quality as pheromones. For example,

garter snakes detect a chemical signal from earthworms—one of their favorite foods—via

the VNO, and they use this signal to track their prey.



世界万物还有很多我们不知道的东西,千奇百怪......下面就是我给大家整理的科普类 文章 ,希望大家喜欢。




 西双版纳热带植物园龙血树园的香龙血树Dracaena fragrans(fragrans,意为,芳香)正在大量开花,芬芳馥郁,沁人心脾,夜间香味尤其浓烈。


 巴西木株形整齐优美,叶片宽大,富有光泽,苍翠欲滴,是著名的新?代室内观叶植物。它可以中小盆点缀书房、客厅和卧室等,显得清雅别致;大中型植株布置于厅堂、会议室、办公室等处,可较长期欣赏,颇具异国情调;尤其是高低错落 种植 的巴西木,枝叶生长层次分明,还可给人以?步步高升?之寓意。

 巴西木为常绿乔木,在原产地可高达6米以上,一般盆栽高 50-100cm。它树干直立,有时分枝。叶簇生于茎顶,长椭圆状披针形,没有叶柄;叶长40-90cm、宽6-10cm,弯曲成弓 形,叶缘呈波状起伏,叶尖稍钝;鲜绿色,有光泽。穗状花序,花小,黄绿色,芳香。





 古生物学是一门古老而传统的基础科学,它研究地球上曾经出现过的生物的化石,以此来了解地质历史时期生物的起源、进化、绝灭、复苏及其与当时环境的关系。它一般要经历野外考察、化石发掘、标本 修理 、科学研究、形态复原和博物馆展出等几个阶段。





 在野外发现化石固然很重要,但要把所发现的化石完好无缺的采集下来就显得更为重要。依据化石赋存地层的岩性,埋藏环境等,可以采取不同的采集 方法 ,如套箱法,石膏包和?夹心饼干法?等。










 我向来对体育锻炼不热衷。我的工作状态基本上是每天数小时坐在电脑前,偶尔会和别人交谈,当然也是坐着。晚上我通常是坐着看电视,除非外出?外出的时候,一般也是先坐出租车,然后坐着吃饭。坐着是我的常态,我可能一天当中有十五六个小时都在坐着(其余8个小时躺着睡觉)。所有的研究证据都表明,身体活动水平低下对健康不利。几年前知名医学杂志《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)上发表了一系列综述文章,指出身体活动水平低下是当今人类健康的第四大杀手。根据世界卫生组织的数据,全球每年死亡的人中,有10%(500万人)直接源自身体活动水平低下。

 我的问题是,我深知不活动的危害却无法激励自己站起来运动。要让我真正进行 体育运动 ,除了它对身体有益之外还需要一个理由。倒不是说我身体有缺陷不能正常运动,而是心理上对其有抵触。例如,我儿子在北京的时候,我每天早上比现在早起一个小时,跟他一起骑车5公里到学校。我会在他学校附近的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡,然后骑5公里回家,再去离我的住处只有500米的办公室。显然,骑车是属于我的一项运动?因为它也是坐着完成的!但这确实是体育运动。而且,当你和一个17岁的男孩一起骑行,速度也相当可观。在路上,我们经常试图与电动自行车流竞速,这时我的心率很可能达到了体育训练的水平。


 在那几个月里,每天我到单位上班的时候,已经骑行了差不多一个全程 马拉松 。然而对我来说,这并不关乎运动。儿子现在回英国读大学,我仍然每天骑自行车,但只是从住处直接到办公室而已,每天总共也不过10分钟的运动量,并且速度和心率比我坐着工作时也强不到哪里去。我从未想过,自己应该调转方向,以3倍于平常的速度骑行半个小时,运动到大汗淋漓再回来。儿子不在我的身边,如此骑行对我就仅仅是一项运动,我没有足够的动力来做。我了解各种有关身体活动低下的统计结果和生物学原理,以及运动健身的好处,但这一惰性仍然如此强烈。那么对不了解运动益处的人,将会是怎样的情形?

 不过, 户外运动 究竟有多么健康,对于住在北京的人来说还要考虑另外一个问题。这个问题就是空气污染。北京的空气质量之糟糕已是地球人都知道的事。我曾经连续3个月每天都骑行一个马拉松的距离,这真的对我的健康有益么?考虑到骑行时的空气质量,答案也许是否定的。


 这一论断的证据来自2013年发表在《公共科学图书馆?综合》 (PLOS One)杂志上的一篇文章,研究人员针对4000名中老年中国人研究了从事家务劳动的益处。筛查过程中剔除了1133名已经患有心脏病、中风、癌症或糖尿病的受试者,最终的有效数据来自2867名健康个体。他们记录了研究对象每天身体活动的时间,既包括体育运动和散步之类的休闲活动,也包括园艺劳动以及修剪草坪等。此外,研究人员还记录了研究对象花在室内家务劳动和居家维修上的时间。之后研究人员对受试对象进行了长达11年的跟踪调查,这期间有452人死亡,其中185人死于癌症。根据年龄、受 教育 水平和生活方式等有关因素对数据进行修正后,他们发现,从事更多更重家务劳动的个体的死亡风险显著低于很少或几乎不做家务劳动的个体。两者的风险比为0.72,意味着风险降低了大约30%。这个效应非常巨大。但是,疾病风险的降低除了受家务劳动的直接影响外,还可能有各种各样的原因。例如,从事更多室内家务劳动的人可能体育运动或户外休闲活动也比较多。也许完全不从事家务劳动的人其实是严重肥胖的,因此他们的死亡率是与肥胖有关,而非家务劳动的多与少。然而,在对身体组成(体重指数)、生活状况(已婚、未婚等)和户外休闲活动的影响进行修正后两者之间的风险比仅变为0.71,这说明上述其他因素对家务劳动和全因死亡之间的关系没有影响。家务劳动对于癌症风险的影响更为显著。从事大量家务劳动的研究对象得癌症的风险只有几乎不做家务劳动的人的一半(两者的风险比为0.52)。而从事中等量、轻强度的家务劳动则对死亡风险影响甚微。

 这项研究中有两个发现特别让人诧异。其一是家务劳动的影响远远超过包括体育运动在内的休闲活动。其二是家务劳动对健康的显著影响仅见于男性中。对研究中接受调查的女性而言,家务劳动的多少与全因死亡或癌症引起的死亡之间没有任何相关性!因此,对女性来说,这个研究的结果真是个好消息。你可以把所有的 家务活 都转交给丈夫,而不用担心会增加死亡或癌症发病的风险;你的丈夫承担所有的家务,同时能因此活得更长。在我看来,还有两点额外的益处。与体育锻炼相比,家务劳动的目的不同,这其实是一项工作。跟纯粹的运动相比,我更有可能坚持做家务,就像我能陪儿子骑行很远去上学,而没有他在身边却一点也不想多骑。另外一个好处是,根据定义,家务劳动是要在室内完成的,因此,这也是一项你不需将自己暴露在北京的空气污染中的?运动?。

 这听起来太美好,以至于让人觉得不真实。而这很可能确实不是真的。对于所有这类研究,我们要记住非常重要的一点:尽管样本量很多(近3O00人),随访调查的周期也很长(约10年),但所得到的结果只是一个相关性。家务劳动的增加与死亡率的降低之间不一定是因果关系?无论数据看起来多么有说服力,也无论这些数据与其他研究结果是多么一致。举个例子,某个人对家务劳动的承担很可能反映出他整体上比较积极的生活态度。如果一个人把家里料理得井井有条可能意味着他对其他事情的态度也是积极认真的。也许是他们对生活的整体态度影响了他们做的其他事情,从而降低了死亡的风险。这些人可能饮食更健康,朋友圈子更广,对社区活动更热心等。上述几点都被认为与寿命以及包括癌症在内的非传染性疾病发病风险有关。料理家务也许只是体现其他真正对死亡风险有影响的因素的一个指标。因此,如果你决定开始承担大量家务,但在其他相关事情上不做任何改变,最终的结果可能仅仅是你有了一个更干净的家。承担家务对死亡风险的影响会很微弱,甚至有可能是负面的。也许愿意干家务和居家维修的人有一套专门的手艺,而不做家务的人则不具备。如果突然开始从事各种家务劳动,而没有相应的 经验 ,你可能会面临较高的事故风险,比如从梯子上摔下来、触电等。事实上,如果你对事物的看法原本是相当负面的,突然每周承担大量的家务劳动,不太会让你对生活的看法更乐观,而很可能会使情况变得更糟。我们真正需要的是一项随机对照实验,将受试者随机分成两组,给一组安排较多的家务劳动,另一组不安排,随后跟踪调查他们的死亡风险。只有这样我们才能确定观察性研究中的相关性是否属于因果关系。


Stephen Hawking (Stephen Hawking) on January 8, 1942, born in Oxford, that day happens to be the death of Galileo 300 years. Probably because he was born in the era of the Second World War, especially fascinated by the model child. When his teenage model not only like to do aircraft and vessels, and alumni also produced many different types of war games, he studies and reflects the desire of manipulating things. This desire drove him taking doctoral degree, and black holes and cosmology in the study achieved a major success.

Hawking, 13, the four-year-old has been determined to be engaged in the study of physics and astronomy. 17-year-old that year, he test to the natural science scholarships, smooth enrolled in the University of Oxford. Bachelor Cambridge University after graduation to pursue his doctorate study cosmology. Soon he found himself suffering from muscle atrophy will lead to theLu Qielei disease. Since doctors are helpless in this disease, in the beginning of his intention to give up on the ideal, but then slowed down the pace condition deteriorated, he will regain feeling, overcome all difficulties, from the setback stand up and bravely face up to this unfortunate , continue to enthusiastically study.

The 1970s, he and Penrose odd that the famous theorem, and in 1988 shared Wolf Physics Prize. He also proved that the size of the black hole will not decrease with time. In 1973, he found that the black hole radiation temperature and its quality is inversely proportional, that is, the black hole because of radiation and smaller, but the temperature would rise, and there will be an explosion and disappeared.

The 1980s, he began to study quantum cosmology. At this time his actions have problems, due to pneumonia and had to accept wear tracheal surgery, so that he never again unable to speak. Now his body paralyzed, depend on electric wheelchair instead of feet, and not only speak and write depends on the computer and language synthesizer help, others have even read every page of paper for him to share in the table - and let him drive a wheelchair every page watch.

Hawking lifetime contribution in theoretical physics research, known as the current one of the most outstanding scientists. His works include "A Brief History of Time" and "baby black holes and the universe, as well as relevant articles." Although we all think he is very unfortunate, but he's achievements in science but in the disease after he received. With perseverance he will beat the disease, and created a miracle, it also proves that the disability is not the obstacle to success. His love of life and devotion to scientific research, the younger generation is learning.

The fuwa Bei Bei --A blue a ring in Bei Bei's representative Olympic Fifth Ring Road of the fuwa of the fuwa of Pisces. The blessing transmitted is the prosperity. Their intention of model stems from the traditional culture and arts of our country, the pattern of " fish " and " water " is the prosperous and symbol reaped, until " whether carp jump Longmen " implied meaning successful and realization that dream of people. Bei Bei of water looks constellation is a gentle and pure little girl, and a little romantic girl innately. Though she is very clever, it is a past master of the aquatic sports at the same time, her cracking show in the diving match of letting us look forward to together!

The fuwa is brilliant and brilliant --Giant panda that the fuwa of the fuwa of Gemini is brilliant and brilliant the silly appearance of a appearance can be arrested, represent a black a ring in Olympic Fifth Ring Road. One that is as national treasure brilliant and brilliant from large forest, no matter where does it go, brilliant to can bring endless happiness and laugh to people while being brilliant. He is transmitting people and harmonious spirit that coexist of nature. Gemini brilliant to pursue fresh while being brilliant, unrestrained energetic, pieces of impulse but lovely guy very.

The fuwa is joyous and joyous --It is deserving Leo with king's demeanour as the eldest of five good fortune babies that the fuwa of Leo fuwa is joyous and joyous, represent a red a ring in Olympic Fifth Ring Road. He is a fire baby, the spirit symbolizing Olympic holy fire life and growth in nature. It is the incarnation of the movement passion to be joyous and joyous, he will disseminate the world passionately, will transmit fast, higher, stronger Olympic spirit. The joyous joyous place of arrival, is permeated with the enthusiasm to the people of the world of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Joyous and joyous and extroverted and bold and unrestrained, love sports, every familiar ball game. Will see then he gives full play to one's skill in the court.

Baby greets the good fortune --It is that one is alert and flexible and galloping like the chiru flying that the fuwa of the fuwa of Taurus greets, represent a yellow a ring in Olympic Fifth Ring Road. He is from the vast west area in China, there is characteristic of western regions such as Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Xinjiang,etc. on his body. Have characterized steady and sure and duty on yellow land in the west in his personality too, it is standard Taurus. He who is straightforward and good-natured spreads the healthy beautiful blessing to the world. It is characterized protected animals of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to meet, it is the representing of Green Olympics too. He participating in track and field events is swift, is a athletics good hand.

Girl of fuwa girl --The girl of girl of fuwa of Sagittarius is from the sky, is a swallow spreading wings and flying, hovering in the sky freely. A green a ring in her representative Olympic Fifth Ring Road. Their intention of model is from traditional sand swallow's kite of Beijing. Girl girl if a gust of wind brings the happiness like spring to people, spill it to the earth. Beautiful blessing of " good luck to you " of place transmission flown over. The innocent and pure, cheerful and vigorous and nimble girl girl will come on stage with glittering appearance in the gymnastics match, , with racing, the excellent and splendid match deserves everybody's expectation with gymnastics prince Princess very much.






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