a would u speak slowly? I can't follow you (这个是标准口语哈)
b what can i do for you?
c a moment, please.i will do it as soon as possible
d what do you like here?
e how about this UPU?
f Welcome
g Welcome here next time
h if you have any problem, please call me and my number is...
i my english is poor. please speak as easy as I can see.
j this cpu is better (than that one)
k this is 100 yuan and that is 200 yuan
l I suggest this one
m this is the cheapest(个人感觉没必要翻后面那句)
n this is the minimum price and it's the final price(中文意思就是这个是最低价也是最后定价)
o do u know how 2 use it?
p how to use it?/ how can I use it?
r if your friends need sonething, please bring them here
s i am in charge of computer technology and he is in charge of sales(如果用英语照那样说太生硬咯 我就翻译成我负责电脑技术 他负责销售)
t Nice 2 talk with u. I am so poor in english that I hardly follow. I do want to learn english and wish us good friends.(最后一句你决定这么说嘛?反正我觉得是不好啦 我以前跟外教聊天的时候 她就说好多中国人一见到她就跟她打招呼交朋友 结果了解了以后才晓得是为了练习听力与口语 她之郁闷、最后一句你还不如说是:
和你谈话真愉快,可惜我英语太差,以至于你说的好多我都不懂,但是我希望我们仍然能成为好朋友-最后一句的翻译 Still I wish us good friends )
本文概览:网上科普有关“帮我译几句常用语”话题很是火热,小编也是针对帮我译几句常用语寻找了一些与之相关的一些信息进行分析,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,希望能够帮助到您。a would...